BPM Latest News
- Busital 2012 December 17, 2011Once again DSV has a stake in the organisation of the International Workshop on Business/IT-Alignment and Interoperability (Busital). The workshop is held in conjuction with the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’12) in Gdańsk, Poland, 25 – 29 June 2012. Please consider publishing your research reports at Busital!Birger Andersson
- 3 papers presented: RCIS2011, BIS2011, BUSITAL2011 July 21, 2011RCIS 2011 Modeling Business Strategy: A meta-model of Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards Giannoulis C., Petit M., Zdravkovic J. Business strategy is aimed to support the vision of anenterprise, by paving the way to achieve it through goals thatdirect the strategy’s execution. However, there is a lack of means to establish and assess the alignment of business […]Constantinos
- 2 Contributions accepted for IEEE RCIS 2011 March 16, 2011The research papers of our PhD students, Khurram Shahzad and Constantinos Giannoulis have been accepted for the 5th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2011). Short summaries of their works, the first on a process analysis approach using warehouses, and the other on business strategy modelling, are provided below: Towards Goal-driven Access to Process […]Jelena
- A workshop on value modeling and business ontologies February 10, 2011The 5th International Workshop on Value Modeling and Business Ontologies (VMBO 2011) was arranged 7-8 February by the University of Ghent, Belgium. This excellent workshop drew about 30 participants where DSV was represented by myself (Birger), Paul Johannesson, and Maria Bergholtz. More info about it can be found at the workshop’s official home page. More […]Birger Andersson
- DSV is Co-organising BUSITAL 2011 December 21, 2010The 6th International Workshop on Business/IT-Alignment and Interoperability is arranged in London the 20th of June, 2011. Members of DSV staff are involved in various ways in the arrangements. Please consider contributing to the workshop by submitting your research reports. The Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’11, an important conference) is co-located with the […]Birger Andersson
- PACIS Track on IT Global Sourcing and Cloud Computing December 17, 2010DSV Center for Service Science and Innovation (SSI) is pleased to invite your research paper submissions for the track “IT Global Sourcing and Cloud Computing” at the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2011. Please find out more about the conference track here: IT Global Sourcing and Cloud Computing. For further inquiries, please contact gjs@dsv.su.se.Gustaf
- Seminar on BPM in crisis December 10, 2010Today, Ilia Bider from IbisSoft AB gave a seminar on the current state of BPM based on discussions at the BPM 2010 conference. Ilia outlined a number of trends, including the shift from an assembly line metaphor to that of a construction site. He also discussed the tension between agility and stability in BPM and […]Paul Johannesson
- Towards a process oriented public administration November 26, 2010Today, Gustaf and I gave a Syslab presentation of our paper at Sundsvall 42 this year. The paper discusses the results from the Vinnova project Open Social Services which we are involved in. The goal of the project is the development three e-services for Järfälla municipality. The first e-service, the application for emergency phone for […]Petia Wohed
- Busital 2012 December 17, 2011
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